‘En garde, prêts, allez!’
Looking to try something new? Often referred to as Physical Chess, fencing is a sport which requires skill, discipline, and athletic prowess to out-compete your opponent. Our experienced instructors, Derek, Karl and Kris, are excited to help others learn the footwork, bladework and rewards the Olympic sport of foil fencing has to offer. Please see class descriptions below for equipment and other requirements.
- Fencing I Sessions:
- Winter II: February 23rd - April 5th
- Registration opens at noon on February 3rd for Y members and February 10th for Youth Members and Community Members
- Cost: Member $65 | Community $103
- Winter II: February 23rd - April 5th
- Fencing II:
- Instructor consent is required for all Fencing II participants
- This class is set up with monthly fees due on the first of each month
Fencing I (Beginner and Recreational)
Mondays 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- This class is for beginners and recreational fencers.
- Basic equipment is provided as part of the registration fee for beginners' very first session. Equipment may be available on subsequent sessions, but priority is given to first-time participants.
- Participants ages 10-11 are required to have a parent or guardian present during class.
- Class runs from 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
- Please wear comfortable workout gear, including long exercise pants and clean gym shoes. Shorts are not allowed.
- It is advised that participants bring a water bottle to class.
- Advancement to Fencing II will be evaluated by the coaches and based on the student’s proficiency and knowledge of the sport. Students are required to complete a minimum of two Fencing I sessions and complete an assessment test before they will be considered for advancement.
Fencing II (Competitive)
Fridays 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
- Instructor consent is required for all Fencing II participants. The goal of Fencing II is to prepare fencers for competing in tournaments.
- Requirements of this class are as follows:
- Instructor consent based on the Fencing I skills assessment or prior experience.
- A complete set of electric equipment as required by the USFA for local competitions.
- Participants will strive to reach a goal of competing in at least one tournament throughout the season. Additionally, fencers are encouraged to participate in classes and clinics at other clubs to the extent possible.
- Agreement to train and condition at home to the extent possible.
- Regular class attendance is expected.
- Regular participation in Fencing Lab after each class is expected.
- Rigid chest protectors are required for female fencers per USFA rules. Groin protection for males is highly recommended.
- Participants ages 10-11 are required to have a parent or guardian present during class.
- Class runs from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m., including 30 minutes of open bouting (Fencing Lab) at the end of class.
Combined class option for Fencing II students
Fencing II students may choose to attend the Fencing I class in addition to the Fencing II class in order to gain a maximum amount of fencing time and experience throughout the week.
Fencing Lab
The 3rd Floor studio (wood floor) is reserved for Fencing Lab every Monday and Friday evening from 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. This is an informal yet crucial time when fencers can put their skills to the test against other fencers. It is a critical part of learning the sport. Participants must bring their own fencing gear and be Y members, fencing program participants, or purchase a Y day pass.
We do not offer any summer fencing sessions, however, we do offer Fencing Lab during our Monday and Friday time slots, depending upon interest.