Donors can make their annual gifts online to the Y.  A donor can make an online gift of $10 or more, or break a larger gift into monthly installments.  This latter option is especially good for donors who want to increase their giving level.  

For example, a donor may make an annual gift of $50.  Another donor may make an annual gift of $500 and either pay the entire $500 at the time of the pledge or decide to pay $41.67 each month for 12 months.  

If you need to send the online giving link to someone directly, please use this URL: 


Capturing a donor’s pledge is critical for a smooth campaign.  This is how we capture the donor’s intent to give, as well as how and when they plan to do so. 

Your branch may provide prior donor pledge cards that represent those who pledged in 2019 or 2020. 

A blank Pledge Form is also available. Please request that the donor fill out all fields and then email completed form to or mail to 302 W. 1st Street, Duluth, MN 55802.  

We also accept pledges via our online pledge commitment form.   

Make sure to indicate the gift or pledge amount and the branch(es) to which it should be designated. 

For a minimum donation of $1,000 per year, donors can make a multi-year gift using the multi-year pledge card or the online multi-year pledge form. 

Select the payment/billing choice from the available options. Checks should be made payable to the Duluth Area Family YMCA. For fraud protection, volunteers are not allowed to collect credit card information.  If a donor wishes to pay using a credit card, let the donor know a YMCA Staff member will contact them. Please ensure all contact information is accurate. 

Donors can also make a gift online using their credit card.  If a donor makes a gift online, do not turn in a pledge form.  A donor has the opportunity to designate a campaigner when they make their online gift.  

Gifts of stocks are accepted by the YMCA. Please contact our Financial Development Department at 218-722-4745 ext. 126 for transfer instructions. 



A company might have a matching gift program. Please check our flyer for additional information.